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Online Investigations


***Guided investigations with built in practice to help develop understanding***

  • Collaborative thinking...

  • Learning through investigation...

  • Discovering new areas of maths by exploring patterns...

  • Consolidate for homework...


The online investigations will guide you and your pupils step by step in exploring a huge range of questions: everything from 'How do you multiply and divide with the 6x table?' to 'How does percentage increase and decrease work?'

The idea is to get them working in pairs or teams, with a tablet or laptop as their reference point, but it is best if you first introduce each activity to the whole class using an interactive whiteboard. This gives opportunity for whole-class discussion and you can then judge when the children are ready to launch out on their own. You then get them to work through the investigation while you circulate and support.

Because the learning is carefully structured, with self-checks built in, pupils get regular reassurance that they are on the right track, and you are freed up to focus on interacting with the pupils to develop their thinking skills.

You can encourage older pupils to share their thinking with their partner or team as they work, and to record their discoveries in their maths jotters or exercise books as they go along, with a view to sharing their findings with the whole class at the end of the investigation.

The online materials work beautifully on an interactive board or tablet and can also be used on any (PC or Mac) desktop or laptop.


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