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Getting Started


Welcome to Maths Investigations!

This 'Getting Started' guide will tell you all you need to know to get up and running with your class or with your whole school.



The link just to your left explains the different levels of login. Here you can find out about about the Golden Key, which you give to all your pupils for them to access online the materials, and your admin username and password which allow access to the photocopiable resources.


Guided Tour

Below that, the GUIDED TOUR will show you round the site. It would be worth doing this for starters just to see what's available.


Admin Stuff

ADMIN STUFF (at the bottom of the left hand menu) will get you sorted with setting up classes and creating additional teacher and pupil logins.


Teacher Guides

Once you are set up, The Teacher Guides, accessible from the menu at the very top of the page, will be the ready reference (for you and your colleagues) as to how to use the activities in the classroom. (You can also access the Guided Tour from here.)


The Blog

The Blog is regularly updated with the latest tips and ideas and has useful accounts of real examples of using the activities in the classroom.


Happy Investigating!


Logging In


Printable Investigations
Printable Games
Online Activities
Online Activity Setup

Maths Investigations - Challenging Children to Think about Maths